Media Release Winning Enviable set to take Rebel to 2016 Olympics

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

Winning Enviable set to take Rebel to 2016 Olympics

MEDIA RELEASE     12 December 2013 

Champion horse Hillgrove Enviable “Enny” was named as the Carisbrooke Lady Mare of the Year at Eventing Queensland’s 2013 awards ceremony this month.

Rebel Morrow & Hillgrove Enviable

“Enny’s” rider, Olympian Rebel Morrow said her horse worked hard this year. “This award is recognition of her performance throughout the season,” Rebel said.

“She is definitely the horse that can take me to the Olympics.”

The recognition at the equestrian community’s ‘Grammy’ events follows closely on the pair’s outstanding performance at the Australian International 3 Day event in Adelaide last month.

What makes “Enny” even more special is she is the half-sister of Oakley Groover, the horse Rebel rode into 11th place at the Athens Olympics in 2004.

On the road to the Olympics is the World Equestrian Games in 2014.

“Our future is massive. What we did in Adelaide qualified us for the next World Games, and ultimately the 2016 Olympics,” she said.

“Having the World Games two years before the Olympics gives me a chance to refocus and keep the blood rushing.

“Athletes need regular high class events to have something to strive towards,” Morrow said.

For interviews or photos contact Annette Densham 0478 718 041

Annette Densham
Zebramez Media
Account Manager0478 718 041

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