

Midge Spit is to Blame – Researching ‘the Itch’

Midge Spit is to Blame – Researching ‘the Itch’
Hits 2353

Dr Doug Wilson conducts research into the immunology of horses, with a special interest in Insect Bite Hypersensitivity (better known in this region as Queensland Itch).

Melanomas in Horses

Melanomas in Horses
Hits 7697

The word Melanoma strikes fear into most Australians, given the harsh UV conditions we live in and the potential fatal outcome in humans who are affected with melanoma. However melanomas in horses are quite different, as they are usually benign and are not even induced by UV rays from the sun!

Know Your Horse’s Vital Signs

Know Your Horse’s Vital Signs
Hits 1798

Everybody who owns, rides or handles horses should know their horse’s vital signs. These simple checks will help tell if your horse is healthy or if you will have to call the vet.

Horses Don’t Fly – Do They ?

Horses Don’t Fly – Do They ?
Hits 1966

One of the most important lessons I learned from Walt and Amos was the difference between making a horse do a job and allowing him to do a job. It was clear that most of us get so focused on a job that it is the job itself that becomes important.

Holistic Health & Relationships

Holistic Health & Relationships
Hits 1674

The concept of holistic health and well-being is clearly understood for humans, but is often over-looked in the field of animal care. Holistic health incorporates the importance of emotional and spiritual well-being, together with physiological wellness.

Girth or Cinch Pain Identifying the Cause of the Problem

Girth or Cinch Pain Identifying the Cause of the Problem
Hits 16352

For the sake of readability, girths will be mentioned throughout this article, but please take this to refer to cinches as well.

Equine Herpes Virus Abortion

Equine Herpes Virus Abortion
Hits 2434

There are many factors that can cause abortion in mares. Non-infectious causes are more common than infectious causes of abortion. Problems associated with the umbilical cord, disorders of the placenta, disorders of the foetus, twins, stress and trauma are examples of non-infectious causes of abortion.

Early Trimming of the Foal

Early Trimming of the Foal
Hits 2037

During the first year of the foal’s life it will grow to over 90% of its mature height. Considering it is starting at only about nine hands tall (36 inches), and can reach fourteen hands or better within a year, this is a big change for the support structure of the foal.

Club Foot Syndrome

Club Foot Syndrome
Hits 4339

The malady known as ‘Club Foot Syndrome’ (CFS) is a genetically transmitted conformation defect affect one or both front feet. The condition is prevalent in “Hot Blood” and ‘Warm Blood” species, however, “Cold Blood” and “Purebred Ponies” seem to have escaped the anomaly.

Caring for a Blind Horse

Caring for a Blind Horse
Hits 1855

If you just found out that your horse is going blind, you should know that caring for a blind horse is really not any more difficult than caring for a sighted horse.

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