

My Path to Cera Shoes

My Path to Cera Shoes
Hits 4581

Pros & Cons of CERA Shoes Vs’ Steel Shoes
Recently I was approached to write an article on the pros and cons of plastic shoes (CERA Shoes) vs’ steel shoes.
Written by Clare Fleming distributor of
CERA Shoes in Australia.
Phone: 0400890446

Using Euphoria Peplis to Treat Cancers in Horses

Using Euphoria Peplis to Treat Cancers in Horses
Hits 4748

The first person to tell me about the effectiveness of the white sap of Euphorbia peplus was my late father-in-law, the well known plant pathologist Professor Neville White.

The Mystical Gypsy Cob

The Mystical Gypsy Cob
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Kelly Hinton from Dellifay Gypsy Cobs and Performance Horses. Kelly’s stud is based on the Gold Coast and her stallion Gypsy Elite Anthony’s Quinn graced the cover of our 2010 Winter edition.

Spring Sprung Early with a Bang for Us this Week

Spring Sprung Early with a Bang for Us this Week
Hits 2008

On Friday 13th August, we were contacted by a veterinary clinic who reported that an abandoned foal was wandering the Beerburrum State Forest (last seen on Red Lane), and passed on the number of a contact in the Forestry department, who had the details.


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For hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, the spotted horse has flourished throughout Europe. Breeds as we know them today didn’t exist back then. Horses were rather selected and bred for a purpose, for example a war horse, a carriage horse or for training in high school.

SPORTALOOSA: Breeding a foal involves a lot of time

SPORTALOOSA: Breeding a foal involves a lot of time
Hits 2006

Breeding a foal involves a lot of time, money and long term commitment. Breeders have a moral responsibility to ensure the best future for the young horse brought into the world, which means breeding quality to begin with.

Snakes on the Land

Snakes on the Land
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About three thousand people are bitten by snakes every year in Australia with most bites occurring in rural areas. Most people get bitten because the snake has felt threatened either by someone trying to kill or catch it, or accidentally treading too closely to, or on it.

Horses and Emotions

Horses and Emotions
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Studies on the neurophysiology of emotion show that human beings exhibit stress responses in the presence of incongruent people. In Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships, emotional intelligence pioneer Daniel Goleman cites research proving that not only does a person’s blood pressure escalate when he tries to suppress feeling, the blood pressure of those interacting with him also rises.

WHSA Official Notice: Wild Horse Muster WA – NSW

WHSA Official Notice:  Wild Horse Muster WA – NSW
Hits 5770

The Waler Horse Society of Australia Inc. was established in 1986 in memory of the soldiers that fought for our freedom and to honour the horses that carried them.

Donkeys Are Delightful

Donkeys Are Delightful
Hits 1921

Donkeys are sociable, inquisitive animals who bring great joy to their owners. Possessing unique charm donkeys are ideal pets and companions for humans and non-human animal species.

Wisdom Through the Ages

Wisdom Through the Ages
Hits 2142

I think when it comes down to it, most of us seek to feel safe, loved and valued. I believe animals are looking for the same thing too, especially in old age.


Hits 55626

One of the most frustrating things for an owner can be to have a horse who windsucks. Known variously as a habit, vice or stereotypy, windsucking is all the more problematic because there is no single remedial approach that works for all horses.

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