

The Truth Behind the ‘Moonstone’

The Truth Behind the ‘Moonstone’
Hits 3987

Careful examination of the placenta passed after a foal’s birth will reveal a soft, putty-like formation, about 14cm x 1.5cm. In folklore, this was often called a ‘moonstone’ and was thought to bring good luck


Hits 2733

Strangles, caused by the bacterium Streptococcus equi equi, is one of the most important horse diseases in NSW. It is a notifiable disease which means that if your horse has strangles you have a legal obligation to report it

Remedial Massage for Horses

Remedial Massage for Horses
Hits 2859

Whether a horse has a specific problem or requires loosening up with remedial massage techniques, the overall result can be quite dramatic in improving condition and performance.

Girth or Cinch Pain Identifying the Cause of the Problem

Girth or Cinch Pain Identifying the Cause of the Problem
Hits 16378

For the sake of readability, girths will be mentioned throughout this article, but please take this to refer to cinches as well.

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