For Immediate Release: Showing in Australia- National Survey Launch

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

It is the sport that forms the foundations of future Olympians; with a heritage deep seated in tradition, etiquette and history. Showing is often regarded as the ‘Miss Universe’ of the horse world, with horse and rider combinations exuding an all-round mix of finesse, elegance and presence.

With origins in old English nobility, the origins of showing stem back to the days of Squires parading their finest horses on social occasions such as hunts and races. To this day, tradition is most regarded, despite being fused with changing fashions there still is an underlying element of a bygone era.

A number of governing bodies administrate the sport of showing independently, often with competitors and enthusiasts being members of multiple organisations. In seeking to best understand the current environment and source a holistic overview of the current sentiments of the industry, a nationwide survey has been launched online.

This survey is administrated by industry stakeholders and its analysis will be performed by scientists from Equine Sports Connection.

It is hoped that this overview can assist with creating some unilaterally acceptable policies that drive change for the betterment of the sport and assist governing bodies to better understand and cater to their audience, including members wants and needs.

The survey also seeks to further understand current perception, breeding trends and floats the idea of the development of a non-professional competitive show circuit. The survey’s introduction has been implemented following much feedback – through formal and informal channels – pertaining to the future of the sport.

Passionate participants from grassroots through to Garryowen level competitors are demanding a unification of voices and proper resolution for ongoing issues. It is hoped that the outcomes from this survey will assist in improving the show horse landscape in Australia, and not solely identify (real or perceived) problems that are seeing participation rates (in show horse events) dwindle.

The detailed survey takes around 15 minutes and will be open for two weeks. It can be accessed online via

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