The conductive rubber fence preventing fatal injuries to horses is now available.
The Danish inventor, Simon Thorkelin, has after several years of development started
production of the conductive rubber fence. This is good news for all horse owners. The debilitating leg injuries to horses when they come into close contact with the traditional electric fences – or foals who are seriously injured when they are entangled in the wire – can now be avoided. This new conductive rubber fence gives among other things easily in to pressure.
Simon Thorkelin is continually searching for methods to increase the welfare of horses. Therefore it has been obvious to him to use his patented rubber product to develop an entirely new type of electric fence. The electric rubber wire is constructed so that it does not cut into the animals when they run into the wire. By heavy pressure against the wire it is broken and it can easily be put together again.
Thorkelin got the idea of conducting rubber in 2009 when he invented the kick plate “Kick-Stop”, which is now sold worldwide. The conductive rubber is a revolutionary invention which Quiet Stable A/S has world patented. Pinaldo Rubber Fence consists of a conductive rubber thread with a core of tinned copper. The wire is constructed such that the core at load breaks before the rubber thread and therefore cannot penetrate through the conductive rubber.
The worldwide business NKT (Nordic Cable and Wire) produces the conductive rubber fence, and the fence is tested by the Danish Technological Institute.
The obvious advantages of Pinaldo conductive rubber wire are many:
First and foremost it is good animal welfare. There will no more be serious and fatal injuries caused by contact with the electrical wire.
- The wire is easy to install on existing fence posts and bells
- Rubber electric wire can be reused again and again. It is easy to roll up and can thus be easily moved.
- The conductivity is not diminished significantly by contact with grass, twigs and other vegetation that may come in contact with the fence.
- Blackouts and irritating temporary power interruptions in the fence are therefore minimized.
- Loss of voltage – even over very long distances – is minimal.
- The material is UV resistant as well as environmentally friendly. Both the packaging and the product are 100% recyclable.
- With a durability of 4 – 5 times longer than traditional fencing of nylon or steel the Pinaldo Rubber Fencing is over time the cheapest solution on the market.
Network of distributors is currently being established and the first deliveries have been made to distributors in Benelux and Australia.
Until the network is established the wire can be purchased with Quiet Stable A/S – –
Richard Barclay, Melbourne, Australia:
The Pinaldo Rubber Fence is a 1 man job, very simple to install…all I needed was 3 insulators on every post, for a 3 strand conductive rubber fence (done in no time).
I can see that, this Rubber Conductive Fence is very durable, and will be a cheaper and safer option, very, very easy to use for many years. The horse shows respect for the conductive rubber fence, resulting in no more chewing on the poles, and nearly eliminating the timber maintenance.
Trine Dyhre Snitgaard has put the new rubber electric fences around her paddock by Højer in Jutland, Denmark:
I selected the new fence primarily for the safety of the horse. The old nylon fence caused serious leg injuries on the horses, and I’ve lost a foal, who had the fence around
his neck, and the nylon fence did not break. I am sure that this new fence would be blown away and hence have rescued my foal.
A major side effect of the Pinaldo Rubber Fence is that it does not lose the voltage when it comes into contact with grass growing into the wire. It will always carry the power.
Ellesvinget 6 – DK 2950 Vedbaek
Ph. +45 45767100
Barclay Collars
53 School Road
Ferny Creek, Victoria 3786
39 613 9755 1539